How to have a stress-free morning

If you have some days when getting out of bed is a challenge physically and mentally, you are not alone.    Lots of people struggle to get mentally motivated in the morning.

Laying in bed after the alarm goes off and your mind begins to go into overdrive on all the things that must be done that day and all the hurdles and struggles that impede a well-laid plan can be overwhelming.  

A routine matters! 

Having a routine can help you to stay focused on your morning and small accomplishments before you leave for work, or getting the family up and ready for their day can make a difference in how you feel about your morning and the rest of your day. Something as simple as putting your keys in the same place every day can reduce morning stress. A routine for the end of the day and the beginning of the next can help declutter the mind. Try to start and end your day the same way for a few weeks and test the theory.

Prepare the night before

Prepare what you can the night before- from lunches to choosing what to wear. Use lists and sticky notes to help you keep your thoughts organized and reminders out in front. Feeling more prepared can help to relieve some of the morning stresses and reduce the anxiety of trying to sort it out when you first get out of bed.

Start simple

Before your feet hit the floor, think of one thing you are grateful for. You may be grateful that you do not have physical challenges getting up, or you may be grateful for the morning snuggles from a loving pet. Taking the time to feel gratitude can improve your emotional well-being and reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and doom

Make Your Bed

It may seem silly to some to make the bed only to get back into it later in the day. However, making your bed not only creates routine but also provides a sense of accomplishment first thing in the morning. At the end of the day, there is often a sense of "ah" when your climb into a made bed.


Grab a glass of water while your coffee is brewing or your kettle is boiling. Morning hydration is a great way to clear the mind and wake your body up. The body has not been hydrated all night, and typically we sweat while we sleep and have periods of deep breathing. A glass of water in the morning is also an excellent way to increase bowel movement first thing in the morning.

Eat Breakfast

Skipping breakfast reduces brain functioning and depletes energy. Research suggests that diet and mental health are closely connected. While a healthy breakfast can give you energy, it can also promote a healthier gut and communicate to the brain to produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine

Skip the Morning News

Aside from the stimulation of the screen and noise, if you wake up to the news or reach for the remote while getting ready to start your day, breaking news and tragedies set your mind and body in motion and can fire up your adrenal glands and their stress response.

Physical activity

For those with busy schedules, getting moving first thing in the morning is one good way to make sure to get the exercise that day. As exercise is proven to positively affect mood and can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, while your physical activity can include a morning run, it doesn't have to. If you are short on time, even stretching and some jumping jacks can give you a chance to get your blood flowing. Exercise releases endorphins, which can help reduce stress and anxiety; in the morning, this can contribute to a sense of calm that helps guide the first part of your day.

Savour the Commute

Traffic is terrible, packed trains are no fun and waiting for the bus in the pouring rain is no fun. But rather than fight the process, the other travellers for the snarling traffic. Use the time to nourish your mind. Listen to audiobooks, podcasts or a new playlist. Use the commute time to tap into your thoughts and ideas, even daydream. You cannot control the traffic or people around you; you can only control how you react to them.

Thank you for reading ! 

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